Thursday, December 10, 2009

Recent history shows that we do have a choice of economic system.?

Recent history shows that we do have a choice of economic system. Can you verify the above statement with some real examples?

Recent history shows that we do have a choice of economic system.?theatre tickets

It's difficult to answer this question - so nobody has done it until now.


- define "we"

- define "choice"

In most real democracies, the economic system could be changed by a poll or by voting for a party that supports a certain (and different) economic system.

As most democracies also have a strong security of private property written in their constitution, this would be a very long process to change.

So actually it's much easier to change the economic system a) in a non-democratic system and b) from communism to a more individual system.

Some exceptions in the other direction are being currently tried in Bolivia or have completely failed (Zimbabwe).

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