It seems to me that if there's television in heaven, the broadcasts will have to come from earth, because honestly, what sort of television show could originate from heaven? If there's no hatred, no violence, no crime, no jealousy, no murder, no conspiracies, no sadness in heaven...what do you make television shows about? People lying around on clouds and plucking harps and singing? Sounds pretty boring to me.
And in case anybody would argue that heavenly television wouldn't be boring, then why don't we make shows about life in heaven here on earth? You'd think we'd want to make television shows that emulate this ultimate goal we all seem to have (that is, living in heaven), but instead we make television shows--soap operas, sitcoms, crime dramas, reality TV--about anger and jealousy and pain and suffering and sadness. If we're all so eager to get to heaven, why are we most entertained by all manner of worldly conflicts, which are supposed to be absent there?
Will there be television in heaven? If so, what will the shows be about?concert tickets
It would be about the people on would be a comedy
Will there be television in heaven? If so, what will the shows be about?theater seating opera theater
I'll find out when I get there. For your sake, I hope heaven and hell really don't exist but I won't risk it myself.
Endless reruns of Happy Days!!!
(Ralph and Potsie were lovers btw!!)
if there is indeed a Heaven, it would be free of the drivel that passes for entertainment here in the name of i hope there is no TV in Heaven
Hmm... a bunch of people lying around doing nothing? Sounds like all the network sitcoms to me. Oh, no, it sounds like "Sex and the City." Some people with no real problems doing nothing. TV will be like that.
The Bible says there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
A television is a possibility. However "all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes." The television would be used for good if it were used at all.
Nothing from this earth will be in Heaven. Nothing physical. It's the spiritual world. Completely different.
Perhaps, if there were a heaven, the shows would be like discovery and national geographic channels... only about the amazing parts of the universe we could never know in this life...
very high definition T.V.
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